Bioware, oh Bioware; What happened to the game dev that made Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, even Dragon Age? Gone I tell you, hopefully not for good.
Now where to begin, oh right, the rushed sequels, the dumbing down of already simple game mechanics, and so on. First they release Mass Effect, a third person shooter masquerading as a Role Playing Game because they feel to afraid to anger their diehard RPG fans if they made an action game; or maybe they themselves are ashamed that they made a game so clearly pandering to the so called "console generation"
that they tried to make it somewhat of an rpg to justify it. Not I understand that first and foremost they need to make money, I'm not saying they shouldn't do what sells.
But then They released Dragon Age: Origins(a name that implies sequels) and everyone rejoiced, it felt like Bioware were going back to their roots, and the game was good, very good: so Bioware were back right? Wrong, and here's why.
1: Day one DLC.
Need I say more, I do? Alright. My copy of the game came with this plastic card with a code on it that said something like "This code unlocks Shale, a new ingame follower" and at first I was like OK cool I like free stuff, but then it hit me, "why was this not just in the game from the start? I mean this is a brand new game and it already has DLC?"
Why should I have to download something that should have been in the game from the start?
2:The DLC the followed
Yeah two whole points about DLC, but I mean come on, why has this not been said before?
The DLC that came out after the game was all a cheap cash in, some was utterly pointless, like the "party pranks" and others seem like they should have already been in the game. I'm looking at you, DLC that you have to buy to get the conclusion to the cliffhangers of the story.
Only two things to say about dragon age 1 tune in next time when I talk about dragon age two, mass effect 2 and the upcoming Knight of the Old Republic MMO
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